


Well, I finally got to my destination, alighted, and thought it was wise to haggle the fare for the next bus because ahhhhh!…

As if this Conductor knew me from somewhere, he opened that his nonsense mouth to say… O SHEY WO LOFE ABI KO SAN #50 (you should have entered for free or just pay #50) with that his black face and body odour😮‍💨😮‍💨trust me to give him a salvage response, I’m like at least I’m paying…

In this part of the world, if you’re not calculative, you’ll be stranded…

In case you missed the first episode, READ HERE

Before now, I thought I had seen it all o but yeah, this SHEGE is the beginning of the end… Mind you, before I left home, my parents had told me not to cross the Express if there is a Pedestrian bridge nearby, I thought they were joking……….

Well, I climbed the first bridge to get a Marwa (tricycle)

After taking the next Bus at Oshodi to my next bustop, I crossed the railway panting like a Goat, thankfully I had a sachet of water in my Tote Bag.. (Please don’t ask how it got there👀)

Boarded a Korope (micra bus) to my next stop, and it was as if they all had a meeting before I got there, I heard in all tones, high-pitched NO, moderately loud NO, low pitched NO, as innnnn, whyyyy?

The first NO was at Ajao Estate, then I got another 2 NOs at Ikeja, GRA, then the other places at GRA  didn’t seem sure, they placed me on one leg sha…

There are nice buildings inside Ikeja, GRA, by the way… But the place looks too deserted and empty


At this point, I was thirsty again, and I had limited cash with me, didn’t see where to withdraw, I was literally stranded and I had to calculate well before leaving where I was, and at the same time was contemplating if the “Uncle please help me” strategy will work or I just make a Transfer to the bus drivers.

I shamelessly sat down on the pavement inside Ikeja, GRA looking homeless while still calculating Tfare 😂😂😂, it wasn’t funny then sha…

I got moving anyways, boarded the micra bus and got to my stop and like you already expect, the KAI officers already took positions, No, who were they waiting for, what are they looking for ehn…


I stood there for like 10 minutes contemplating if I could run if they start pursuing me or I should respect myself and use the pedestrian bridge. A man saw me looking lost, and walked up to me, he was panting because he just got off the bridge as well and he said – DON’T CROSS OOO, THEY WILL THROW YOU INSIDE THIER BUS.. In my head, I was like throw me as how, then one uncle carrying load that couldn’t possibly climb the bridge cos of what he was carrying now walked up to me and said CROSS- nothing will happen…

Felt like God and the Devil speaking…😅

At least,  the view from the bridge is nice🥹🥹

I told myself, you can’t run on a normal day plus you are tired and thirsty, NO RISK AM.

I carried myself with the strength left in me and climbed the bridge, and I could have sworn I would faint when I got to the other side…

To be continued…..

I share amazing contents on my Instagram, watch HERE


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